Friday 5 February 2016

Tuscan Style Bean, Bacon & Pecorino Soup - Baxters

Woo hoo! It's Friday and I am definitely ready for the weekend, it's been one of those weeks...
Lunchtime! And I am ravished, I really cant wait for lunch today, I had an absolute disaster of a dinner last night. For some reason I thought I would be clever and multi task, I put together an array of fresh vegetables, seasoned them and popped them in the oven. I obviously thought my job was done as I went off to have a shower, do the laundry, play with and feed the dog. I thought my evening was falling into place quite smoothly, but that was until I saw smoke coming from the kitchen. I burnt the dinner. Lesson learnt. 
So I'm super hungry and have chosen to go with a Tuscan Style Bean, Bacon & Pecorino Soup from the new Baxters hearty range. I can't say I have ever tried a Baxters soup before, so i'm a Baxters virgin this Friday lunchtime! 
The packaging has a very rustic feel to it, making the hearty words feel very intriguing. I love lentils and beans so I have high hopes for this one.

The verdict:

Well this is definitely a hearty soup, but I would go a step further and say it is more of a heartburn soup... 
When I first opened the can, I thought, wow this could be really good, there's lots of beans, peppers and even slices of courgette, never seen them in a soup before. This nice surprise was soon on the decline one spoon at a time. It reminded me of a cheap ready made bolognese sauce that has way too much oregano in it. This flavour is just way to over powering and takes over any other entity in the soup. As for the Pecorino, where has that got to? I just couldn't find it or taste it, yet its in the title of the soup, along with bacon, which I can only assume has been used as a salty seasoning to compliment the oregano. 
Going back to the heart burn, the beans, I love beans, but these beans were really not soft enough. It's almost as though they needed soaking for an extra 24 hours. 
The soup overall was edible and was OK. As I didn't have any real expectations i'm not disappointed. In fact the soup provided me with some nostalgia, taking me back to my university days when I had no proper interest in food and would buy a microwavable spaghetti bolognese for a quick fix before a night of drinking commenced. 

Souper rating: 2 out of 5 If you love oregano this is the soup for you. It hasn't done the great bean variety any justice, but it's heart was in the right place. Not bad, but not great. 

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